佛光山荷華寺新年音樂會 – Fo Guang Shan He Hua Temple live concert


會中我們邀請到四位畢業於阿姆斯特丹音樂學院的Cheng Quartet, 為大家以韋瓦第《四季》為主軸,穿插佛光山人間音緣歌曲,以及來自台灣及荷蘭的經典歌曲,像是《滿山春色》、《鼓聲若響》、《在阿姆斯特丹運河》、《Ding-A-Dong》,同時再加上知名電影配樂及經典西洋歌曲,如:《雨中的旋律》、宮崎駿電影等配樂,帶領大家一起用音樂體會各地的春夏秋冬!

因為座位有限,請大家儘早預訂門票。預訂入場券,只可以通過以下連結及掃描海報上的二維碼(QR Code) 線上報名。

https://goo.gl/1MkXoq  <–線上報名



Dear all:

In response to Master Hsing Yun’s philosophy of spreading Buddhism through music, the first New Year concert of the Hehua Temple will be held on January 19th at 14:15–16:00 next year at the Hehua Temple.

We have invited Cheng Quartet, who graduated from Conservatorium van Amsterdam, to play an inspiring repertoire for us. With Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons” as the main axis, interspersed with the “sounds of the Human World” from Fo Guang Shan Monastic Order and the classic songs from Taiwan and the Netherlands,  together with well-known film soundtracks and classic Western songs  and other soundtracks to lead everyone to experience the spring, summer, autumn and winter around the world!

Available seats are limited, please book your ticket as soon as possible. You can only book your free admission ticket through online registration via the link below and the QR Code on the concert poster.

https://goo.gl/1MkXoq  <– online registration

Get your ticket timely: Please finish the online registration before January 12th. If the information is correct, you will receive a confirmation email, including ticket number and notification to pick up your admission ticket during January 5-13 to 12:00–17:00 at the Hehua Temple.

We sincerely invite everyone to come to the Hehua Temple to participate in this musical feast.

Best regards,

Hehua Temple