Guided Tours


Amsterdam is a multicultural and flourishing city where we receive over a 1000 visitors each week. There are a variety of people that we receive in the temple. A lot of them want to know more about the temple and/or Buddhism. Therefor we have setup guided tours in the temple where you can see more of the temple and get some insight in what Buddhism is about.

A pre-arranged guided tour is required and can be given only during the opening hours of the temple.
Kindly e-mail the filled form (download here (word document)) requesting guided tour to the temple at at least 2 weeks in advance with the subject “Guided tour”.

  • Introduction to Buddhism and explanation on the symbols in the temple
  • 45 minutes/1 hour
  • Guided tour Fare
    • Individual €8,00
    • Group of 10 people or more €5,00 pp
    • student € 2,50